Pre-University Education and Training Level 5
Course Overview
This course offers such learners an opportunity to gain an understanding of the teaching profession and its methodologies.
Learners will gain a wide understanding of educational systems, teaching practices in Ireland and will examine key educational issues including, the social influences surrounding how people learn, and the potential barriers to learning.
This course is aimed at student who want to pursue a career in Education, are at present uncertain and want to test their compatibility before committing to a three- or four-year degree programme.
This one-year course will help develop college-readiness as there is an emphasis on academic writing, referencing and study skills, collaboration and presentation skills and managing your time and assignment workload in an adult learning environment.
Concepts in Education & Training
Interpersonal & Group Behaviour
Peer Mentoring
Work Experience
Research & Study Skills
Word Processing
* Modules subject to change
It is desirable that students should be of Leaving Certificate Standard or have achieved an Applied Leaving Certificate with Distinction. Portlaoise Institute welcomes applications from mature students. Mature students are assessed on their merits and do not require the above qualifications.
All students are required to complete an assessment before commencing a Further Education course in Portlaoise Institute. This assessment confirms if the student has the required level of English and Maths (if applicable) to complete a Level 5 course.
Here are examples of courses students can progress to based on successful completion:
- B.A. (Ord/Hons) Early Childhood Care & Education at Munster Technological University (MTU)
- B. Ed. (Hons) Montessori Education at Munster Technological University (MTU)
- B. Ed. (Hons) Home Economics & Biology- with concurrent Teacher Education at Atlantic Technological University (ATU)
- B. Sc. (Hons) Education and Training Dublin City University (DCU)
- B.A. (Hons) Arts – Linguistics with TESOL at University of Limerick (UL)
- B.Sc in Education Studies in Marino Institute
Learners who have successfully completed this award, typically progressed to a broad range of awards in Further and Higher Education including Education, Arts and Humanities, Early Childhood Care, and Montessori Teaching.
Upon successful completion of this course, students are eligible to apply through UCAS for a range of primary and post primary teaching degree programmes in the United Kingdom.
Nicola Reilly